Would you like a second chance to be mothered well, while obtaining competent professional, psychotherapeutic help, so you can grow more optimally with emotional nourishment and connection?
As a psychotherapist for the last 40 plus years, I have helped hundreds of undermothered adults lead more fulfilling lives. I help them dissolve any shame around needing emotional support and nurturance as adults. This allows them to be open to receiving nurturing, soothing, praises, cherishment and loving attention, as well as to be open to guidance and needed challenges to their habitual patterns that are no longer working. Many have been hungering for this, both from others and from within.
Many of you, undermothered adults can be outwardly competent and/or spiritually developed, for you have had to be independent from an early age and to take care of yourselves. On the inside, however, you may be suffering unsettling anxiety. depression, hopelessness, and/or nagging feelings of insecurity when you are challenged in your work and relationships. It is deeply painful to be so vulnerable to rejection, to feelings of loneliness and to a deep sense of inadequacy.
I offer my re-mothering therapy to help you heal your inner suffering and to free you to move forward in manifesting your dreams. I bring my warmth, and attuned sensitivity to the wounded child in you, so that this child can feel safe, understood and held. In addition, I steadfastly help you to remember the amazing strength, wisdom, love and abilities of your deep inner self to heal this child and redirect you to create a joyous and meaningful future. Your “soul’s code”, the sacred blueprint of your life is already inside of you. Until you develop your own ability to create a loving relationship outside of therapy, I devotedly stand by you to provide the very personal, mothering kind of emotional nurturing, challenge and guidance you deserve.
You are welcome to call me for a free phone interview. (415) 497-6863